The forum and news update is open for contributions from all our members. Uploading news or adding comments is very easy, but first you need to register:
1. To register click on the following link: here
2. Next you can contribute under any of the following categories under ‘arch-peace’, to do this click on any of the following links and then click on “start a new discussion”:
1. Category arch-peace events + competitionsOne of the tasks of Architects for Peace is to discuss, promote and acknowledge the work from colleagues and of countries not often featured in mainstream magazines or architectural websites. For example, did you know that Porto Alegre has just inaugurated a magnificent new art gallery designed by Alvaro Siza? Or have you heard about the ambitious bi-centenary projects in Santiago, Chile? What about the numerous projects in Amman, Jordan? It is up to all of us to bring this works to the forefront of our discussions (news can be published in any language).
2. Category arch-peace forum
3. Category arch-peace theory
4. Category arch-peace rallies + actions
5. Category arch-peace environment
6. Category arch-peace development
7. Category arch-peace war + reconstruction
8. Category arch-peace architecture + planning
9. Category arch-peace worldwide topics
10. Category arch-peace noticeboard
11. Category arch-peace urban world (architectural/urban/planning/ engineering… news in any language)
If you would like to publish an original article or project, send the document to us: Please include the images in the body of the document and also send them attached to the email as separate JPGs.
Thanks to all our new members who have offered to become arch-peace representatives in their city or country. We have been unable to respond so far but you will hear from us soon. By the way, this reminds me that we urgently need a membership person. This position requires knowledge of arch-peace activities, access to private computer and internet and familiarity with some internet based programs. If you are in Melbourne and you could assist with our membership work please contact us ASAP.
Looking forward to your contributions,
Beatriz C. Maturana
Architects for Peace president